UPDATE 10/30/12 11:00

Fortunately for us most of the storm missed the Village. Moving forward are the following updates:
1. Lifting conserve water advisory.
2. Canceling the public informational meeting schedules for Tuesday at 6:00 at the High School.
3. Please still be aware of the high wind possibilities for the following 48 hours.
4. We will experience occasional light rain but no river or steam flooding is expected.
5. The important news is that Halloween is still scheduled for October 31st from 5PM to 8PM. Please be extra careful that night if driving.

I want to personally thank all the residence for their cooperation and positive attitude while we were preparing for the expected weather event.
I cannot stress enough to the residents how lucky we are to have the kind of volunteers and village employee’s that worked endlessly on developing an action plan to handle the possibility of a major disaster.
My final word on this is to take a moment to understand and reflect on what other parts of the country are going through. It was not long ago when we were in a situation that was just as stressful.

Mayor Andy Matviak

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