The State Department of Health currently has 4 persons under investigation for the coronavirus that are under isolation as their cases are being tested at the CDC.   1 of the cases has been proven negative and 3 were still pending this afternoon.  The Coronavirus started in China, 2 cases in the US have been confirmed in the State of Washington, and another in Chicago.  Symptoms of the coronavirus may include a runny nose, Headache, a persistent cough, sore throat & fever.


Governor Cuomo today announced $151 million in new funding for the renewal of State roadways impacted by extreme weather events. This State funding will support 95 paving projects and the renewal of approximately 1,013 lane miles of pavement across the state.  In the Southern Tier; $2.4 million will be used to renew State Route 97 from John Deck Road to Lordville Road in Delaware County, $1.7 million to renew Route 12 from the Broome County line to County Road 2 in Chenango County & $1.2 million to renew Route 12 from just north of County Road 3A to the Town of Oxford.


Testimony is underway in Otsego County Court for the Murder & Arson Trial of 33 year old Gabriel Pruitt of Oneonta.  Pruitt is accused of setting a fire at 5 Walling Avenue in Oneonta on December 29th 2018 that killed former Oneonta Firefighter John Heller as he tried to get his family out of the building.


New York State’s efforts to deter underage drinking and promote health and public safety resulted in a record number of fake identification seizures and citations issued in 2019.  A total of 918 fake IDs were seized, a record of 1,016 citations were issued to people attempting to buy alcohol while underage.  In addition, the State Liquor Authority conducted 165 operations at 2,253 locations across the state resulting in 480 charges for selling alcohol to a minor.


Sergeant Kim Smith of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office was awarded the “Carl Draxler Award” by the New York State Sheriff’s Institute at the NYS Sheriff’s Association Annual Winter Conference in Albany, Tuesday.  The Award is given to an employee of the Sheriff’s Office whose exceptional career achievements and conscientious devotion to duty have demonstrated a spirit of selfless public service; it is not based on a specific event, but rather on the nominee’s total career in the Sheriff’s Office.  The award is named in honor of Sheriff of Chemung County, Carl Draxler,

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